MYST, The YM2149 ST Emulator © 1997-98 by Nicolas Pomarede (Mr.Styckx) ------------- TUNES HISTORY ------------- 12-13/04/97 ----------- Removing/Renaming - UnknownDaglish_1 and 2 renamed to HATE and FOFT. Addition - 4 tunes by Chrispy Noodle, sent by Grazey : Commando, Sapiens1, Sapiens2, Chrispy1. - 24 tunes by Ben Daglish, sent by Grazey : AxelMagicHammer, Blasteroids, CaptainAmerica, DarkFusion, FootballerOfTheYear2, GaryLineker, HotRod, LegendsOfValour, MastersOfTheUniverse, MotorHead_1, MotorHead_2, MotorHead_3, MotorHead_Main, Skidz, UltimateDart, UltimateGolf, WinterGames_Jazz, WinterGames_Luge, WinterGames_Menu, WinterGames_Opening, WinterGames_Skijump, WinterGames_Sonata, WinterGames_Title, Xybots. 19-20/04/97 ----------- Removing/Renaming - UnknownBeben_1 renamed to HyperDrome_2. Addition - 12 tunes by Wally Beben (Hagar), sent by Grazey : CDSChess, CircusGames, HammerFist, HawkEye, HyperDrome, IBall, Liberators, Quartz , RType, SummerOlympiad, TimeMachine, Wicked. 02/05/97 -------- Addition - 2 tunes by Paul Shields (external player): Jug, TetraQuest. - 1 tune by J.C. Brooke, sent by Grazey : Resolution 101. 03/05/97 -------- Addition - 8 tunes by Scavenger (external player): BobsGoingPlasma, DBA6_Intro, HotLikeHell, LeifRullar, PandoraBox, Primus, Synical, WickedPolygons. - 3 tunes by DocLands : DocLands_1, Lightning_DimPlasma, Lightning_ShadowBeast. 07/05/97 -------- Addition - 3 tunes by DocLands, sent by Grazey : BlastinyBobs, DeliriousIIReset, VenturaMain. - 16 tunes by Excellence In Art, sent by Grazey : BeBop, BellisBoot, FrostyMusic, GetIntoTheGroove, Gritty, HitMe, IWonder, New, No, Offbeat, Smile, Sonik, Spunge, Stolen, Summer, Sweat. 08/05/97 -------- Addition - 2 tunes by Chris Mad : Sowatt_GhostReset, WhattaHeck_Ghost. - 1 tune by Ninja Turtle : Phaleon_Legacy. 11/05/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Cartsen Neubauer : Beam. 18/05/97 -------- Addition - 12 tunes by Scavenger / Synergy MegaDemo (external player) : CrapMan1, CrapMan2, CrapMan3, CrapMan4, CrapMan5, CrapMan6, CrapMan7, CrapMan8, CrapMan9, CrapManA, CrapManB, CrapManC. 19/05/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Titan : JustBuggin_Xenex. 30/05/97 -------- Removing/Renaming - CountZero/Unknown renamed to Awesome_1. Addition - 2 tunes by Count Zero, sent by Grazey : Awesome_2, UnknownCZ_1. 31/05/97 -------- Removing/Renaming - UnknownDW_3 renamed to Millenium2_2. Addition - 9 tunes by David Whittaker, sent by Grazey : BackToTheFuture, BeverlyHillsCop, CosmicPirate, Obliterator, RugbyLeague, Snoopy, Sporting, StarWars, WrathOfTheDemon. 01/06/97 -------- Addition - 6 tunes by The Mind / Aenigmatica : Dynamika, Phaleon_Aenigmatica, Reset, XenonIIRemix, XenonIIRemix_2, Zepellin. 07/06/97 -------- Addition - 4 tunes by LTK / Mystic : Complete, EnvTry, MageMix, PS_Harm. - 36 tunes by TAO /ACF (external player) : 150mph_Sid, Androids_Sid, CallMe_Sid, Dry_Sid, EAI_IceAge_Sid, Entrance_Sid, Flow_Sid, ForAbyss_Sid, Greetings_Chicago_Sid, HappyEnd_Sid, JackIt_Sid, JeuGame_Sid, JeuHigh_Sid, JeuTitle_Sid, JustFeelIt_Sid, Khan_Sid, LineOfFire_Sid, Linwu1_Sid, Linwu2_Sid, Linwu3_Sid, Loader_Sid, MainMenu_Sid, Miner_Sid, PowerMan_Sid, Prelude_Sid, RideTheSky_Sid, Seagulls_Sid, Stars_Sid, Stay_Sid, Steps_Sid, Sunriders_Sid, TheCave_Sid, TheDancer_Sid, Walk_Sid. 11/06/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Ben Daglish : 3DGalax. - 2 tunes by Frazer and Beast / Syndicate : IfPigsCouldFly_Credits, IfPigsCouldFly_Main. 16/06/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Lap : Lap29. 17/06/97 -------- Addition - 2 tunes by Ben Daglish : Blasteroids (v1.2), PacMania. 21/06/97 -------- Addition - 2 tunes by JMP : Nebulus, Eliminator. - 2 tunes by J. Dave Rogers : Exolon, UnknownRogers_1. - 1 tune by David Whittaker : Ninja Mission. - 11 tunes by J.C. Brooke : 1943, BuggyBoy, CamelRevengeII, FlyingShark, IkariWarriors, OutRun, Overlander, Resolution101, SideArms, StarQuake, Vixen. 27/06/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by ? : Solomon's Key. 29/06/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Dave Lowe : Bangkok Knights. - 1 tune by Rob Hubbard : GoldRunner. - 1 tune by Ladislav John Brozovsky : Hades Nebula. - 1 tune by Nigel Pritchard : Thunder Wings. 30/06/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Ben Daglish : Wizard Warz. 04/07/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Paul Robotham / Pete Barnett : Whirligig. - 1 tune by Fred Gray : Black Lamp. 05/07/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Dave Lowe : International Karate +. 06/07/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Nigel Pritchard : NetherWorld. - 20 tunes by Count Zero : WillyFinal + small debug in other 19 tunes. 13/07/97 -------- Addition - 6 tunes by Chris Huelsbeck : JimPower_EndLevel, JimPower_IntroEnd_Level4, JimPower_Level1, JimPower_Level2, JimPower_Level3, JimPower_Level5. - 1 tune by ? / System 3 : Predator. 14/07/97 -------- Addition - 11 tunes by Jochen Hippel from the LCD (external player) : AxelF, CrazyComets, CrazyComets_GO, FlashGordon, HumanRace1, HumanRace1_2, HumanRace4, HumanRace4_2, MasterOfMagic, MontyOnTheRun_GO, OneManAndDroid. 18/07/97 -------- Addition - 8 tunes by Richard Joseph : ChaosEngine, JamesPond2_Guardian, JamesPond2_Hidden, JamesPond2_Intro, JamesPond2_Level2, JamesPond2_Level3 JamesPond2_Level4, JamesPond2_Main. - 14 tunes by Jochen Hippel from the Thalion Sound Demo (external players) : Archon, AxelF, BackToTheFuture, Children, Cybernoid, CybernoidII, Gambol, NearlySpherical, Scoop, SpaceBall, ThalionIntro, TsdEndPart, Warp, WarpTitle. 19/07/97 -------- Addition - 2 tunes by Tim Follin (sent by Grazey) : GauntletIII, SlySpy. 26/07/97 -------- Removing/Renaming - Impossamole and SuperCarsII moved from Misc/ to Leitch/. Addition - 4 tunes by Barry Leitch (sent by Grazey) (external replay): Utopia1, Utopia2, Utopia3, Utopia4. 27/07/97 -------- Addition - 4 tunes by Tim Follin : BionicCommando, BubbleBobble, GhoulsnGhosts, LedStorm. 29/07/97 -------- Addition - 9 tunes by Alister Brimble (sent by Grazey) : BigNose, CJElephantAntics, FantasyWorldDizzy, FastFood, Kamikaze, KwikSnax, Mig29, SpellFire, SuperSeymour. 03/08/97 -------- Addition - 7 tunes by Scavenger (external player) v1.1: BobsGoingPlasma, DBA6_Intro, HotLikeHell, PandoraBox, Primus, Synical, WickedPolygons. - 6 tunes by Scavenger (external player) : Credits, Menu, Odyssey, Pajaro, PeriodIn3D_1, PeriodIn3D_2. 08/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Jonathan Dunn - Matthew Cannon : ParasolStars. 09/08/97 -------- Removing/Renaming - Aenigmatica/ dir renamed to TheMind/. Addition - 2 tunes by Matthew Simmonds (4 Mat) : BubbleDizzy, ChuckRock. - 1 tune by The Mind : DizzyPanic. 10/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Ben Daglish : MontyPython. - 1 tune by Steve Wheterill : FlimboQuest. - 1 tune by Mark Cooksey : Commando. 14/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Wally Beben : Lancaster. 15/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Wally Beben : Elite. - 1 tune by ? : I,Ball (Firebird). - 1 tune by Ben Daglish : Toobin. 16/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Jonathan Dunn - Matthew Cannon : BatmanMovie. 17/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by ? : Trantor. - 1 tune by ? : Joe Blade. - 1 tune by David Whittaker : Knightmare. - 2 tunes by Barry Leitch (sent by Grazey) : LotusII, RockNRoll. 18/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Matthew Simmonds : WolfChild. 19/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by David Whittaker : GoldenAxe. - 1 tune by Jonathan Dunn : Puzznic. 21/08/97 -------- Addition - 10 tunes by Jonathan Dunn : PushOverAztec, PushOverCastle_Greek, PushOverDungeon, PushOverElectro, PushOverJapanese, PushOverMechanic, PushOverOption, PushOverPrize, PushOverSpace,PushOverToxCity. 22/07/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Tim Follin : SlySpy (v1.1). - 2 tunes by David Whittaker : RealGhostBusters, UnknownDW_3. - 1 tune by Matt Furniss : SpyWhoLovedMe. 23/07/97 -------- Addition - 4 tunes by Martin Walker (sent by Grazey) : AtomicRoboKid, FinalBlow, Frenetic, RTypeII. 24/07/97 -------- Addition - 2 tunes by Mark Wilson (sent by Grazey) : BonanzaBrothers, CrystalDizzy. - 7 tunes by Justin Scharvona (sent by Grazey) (external replay) : LastNinjaIII_Intro, LastNinjaIII_Level1, LastNinjaIII_Level2, LastNinjaIII_Level3, LastNinjaIII_Level4, LastNinjaIII_Level5, LastNinjaIII_Level6. 28/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Chris Huelsbeck : Spherical. 29/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by J. Dave Roger - Gary Biasillo : Slayer. - 1 tune by David Whittaker : MrHeli. 30/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Ash Hogg : CJInTheUSA. - 1 tune by The Mind : DizzyPanic_Steg (v1.1). - 1 tune by ? : RodLand. 31/08/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Ben Daglish : HATE (v1.1). - 1 tune by Wally Beben : RType (v1.1). - 29 tunes by Mad Max / Jochen Hippel (external player) : AlloyRun, Arkanoid, BadCat, BankokKnightsLoader, BankokKnightsLoader2, Cuddly_StarWars, Dugger, FWorlds, GianaSister, I-Ball, I-Ball2, IK, KnuckleBuster, KnuckleBuster_Digi, MegaApocalypse, MontyOnTheRun, NoisyPillars3, NoisyPillars3_note, Pandora, ProfessionalBMX_1, ProfessionalBMX_2, Run4C, Scout, Scout2, TEXShow, ThunderCats Union_Intro, Union_Level16, UnknownHIP_1. 03/09/97 -------- Removing/Renaming - UnknownDW_1, 2 and 3 renamed to StormTrooper, StarBlaze, BackToTheFutureII. 05/09/97 -------- Addition - 5 tunes by J.C. Brooke, ripped by MUG UK : HeavyMetal, SavageIntro, Savage1, Savage2, Savage3. 06/09/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Ben Daglish : MotorMassacre. - 1 tune by Chrispy Noodle : CommandoHi. 07/09/97 -------- Removing/Renaming - RugbyLeague renamed to WorldClassRugby. - BombZ and Delta moved from Misc/ to Herbert/. Addition - 22 tunes by David Whittaker, ripped by MUG UK : AllPointsBulletin, BadCompany, BeyondIcePalace, ChipsChallenge, CloudKingdom, Crossbow, EmpireStrikesBack, FireAndBrimstone, GazzaII, GrimBlood, HunterKiller, Jaws, NitroBoostChallenge, Pandora, RoadBlaster, SnowStrike, SportingTriangles, StarWars, Supremacy, VoodooNightmare, WorldClassRugby, Wreckers. - 1 tune by Big Alec : Orion. 10/09/97 -------- Addition - 13 tunes by Iso : Action, ArfArf, DBA8_Horror, DBA8_Intro, DBA9_Intro, EnchantedLand, FamilyDog, Faster, Hi, NoSheepInMongolia, PatatKro, Shoarma, Sinking. 18/09/97 -------- Removing/Renaming - UnknownRoger_1 renamed to Zynaps. 19/09/97 -------- Addition - 7 tunes by Karsten Obarski (external player) : Dyter07_Level1, Dyter07_Level2, Dyter07_Level3, Dyter07_Level4, Dyter07_Score, Dyter07_Title, Dyter07_Victory. 03/10/97 -------- Addition - 8 tunes by Chris Mad (sent by Grazey) : Delirious_Menu, Overdrive_Dots, Overdrive_Dragon, Overdrive_FullScreen, Overdrive_Loader, Overdrive_Nybbler, Overdrive_Snurkel, Overdrive_Vector. 04/10/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Martin Walker : NinjaII (?). 10/10/97 -------- Addition - 4 tunes by Tim Moore (Music Studio, external player) : MetroCross_Dead, MetroCross_End, MetroCross_HiScore, MetroCross_Main. 11/10/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Paul Shields : Airball. 15/10/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by ? : SpaceHarrier. 24/10/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Tony Williams : Narc. 27/10/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by ? : TerryBigAdventure. 28/10/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Alister Brimble (ripped by MUG UK) : 1stDivisionManager. 29/10/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Mark Cooksey : GhostsnGoblins. 01/11/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by ? : VenusTheFlyTrap. 02/11/97 -------- Addition - 9 tunes by TAO / ACF (external player) : EAI_IceAge_Digi, EndTheme, MasterOfMagic, RideTheSky_Digi, Sanxion, Sleep_Digi, SpellBound, ThunderCats, Zoolook_Digi. 04/11/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Jonathan Dunn : AddamsFamily. 05/11/97 -------- Addition - 3 tunes by Chris Huelsbeck (external player, ripped by Grazey) : Patrician_1, Patrician_2, Patrician_3. 06/11/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Excellence In Art (ripped by Grazey) : EIA_1. - 1 tune by Richard Joseph (ripped by Grazey) : CannonFodder. - 1 tune by Dave Lowe (ripped by Grazey) : Elite2. - 1 tune by Ben Daglish (ripped by Grazey) : KingMaker. 08/11/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Mark Cooksey : Unknown_MC1. 09/11/97 -------- Addition - 9 tunes by Jochen Hippel (external TFMX player) : ChambersOfShaolin_Water, CircusAttraction, Cuddly_BigSprite, Cuddly_ColorShock2, Cuddly_MegaBall, Cuddly_Menu, Cuddly_NoNameDemo, Cuddly_Reset, DragonFlight_Unicorn. - 17 tunes by Jochen Hippel (external COSO players) : ChrisHuelsbeckRemix, DragonFlight_End, DragonFlight_KingHalfton, ENS_NewLine, GrandMonsterSlamII LifesABitch_Loader, L_M, OhhCrickey_Ashtray, OhhCrickey_Loader, OhhCrickey_Sheep, PabloGoldMontezuma, Sowatt_TCB_Sprites, STNews6_1, Supersonic, SyntaxTerror_Loader, SyntaxTerror_Reset, SyntaxTerror_TEX. 11/11/97 -------- Addition - 134 (at least!) tunes by Jochen Hippel (external MCoder COSO player) : 5thGear, 7GatesOfJambala_End, 7GatesOfJambala_Game, 7GatesOfJambala_Intro, AirballRemix, AKScreen, AnCool1, AnCool5, AnCool7, AnCool_Sowatt_2LifeCrew, AnCool_Sowatt_Nordik, AnCool_Sowatt_TechTron, AnCool_TCBTracker, Archon_Arpy, ArpyRemix, Astaroth_GameTitle, Astaroth_Game, Astaroth_Title, Atomino1, Atomino2, Atomino3, Atomix, AxelF, BackToTheFuture, BeatNick, ChambersOfShaolin_Basket, ChambersOfShaolin_Dragon, ChambersOfShaolin_Intro, ChambersOfShaolin_Skip, ChambersOfShaolin_Water, ChrisHuelsbeckRemix, Cuddly_BigSprite, Cuddly_ColorShock2, Cuddly_MegaBall, Cuddly_Menu, Cuddly_Reset, DarkSideOfTheSpoon_TLB, DragonFlight_2, DragonFlight_3, DragonFlight_4, DragonFlight_Title, EnchantedLand_GameOver, EnchantedLand_Intron, EnchantedLand_Level1, EnchantedLand_Level2, EnchantedLand_Level3, EnchantedLand_Level4, EnchantedLand_Level5, EnchantedLand_Level5end, ENS_1, ENS_2, ENS_3, ENS_4, ENS_5, ENS_6, Gambol, GrandMonsterSlam, GreatCourtsII, InsectsInSpace, Jinks, Lap_1, Lap_2, Lap_3, Lap_4, Lap_5, Lap_6, Lap_7, Lap_9, Lap_u1, Lap_u2, LeavingTerramis_Die, LeavingTerramis_Level1, LeavingTerramis_Level2, LeavingTerramis_Level3, LeavingTerramis_Level4, LeavingTerramis_Loader, LeavingTerramis_Main1, LeavingTerramis_Main2, LeavingTerramis_Main3, LeavingTerramis_Main4, MartinGalwayRemix, MasterBlazer_Game, MasterBlazer_Intro, NearlySpherical, OhhCrickey_Ashtray, OhhCrickey_Sheep, Phalanx2_Game, PrehistoricTale_1, PrehistoricTale_2, PrehistoricTale_6, PrehistoricTale_7, PrehistoricTale_Bonus, PrehistoricTale_End, PrehistoricTale_High, PrehistoricTale_Intro, PrehistoricTale_Menu, RingsOfMedusaII_Game, RingsOfMedusaII_Intro, RingsOfMedusaI_1, RingsOfMedusaI_2, RollOut, SNY90_Omega2, Sowatt_Menu, Sowatt_NoCrew, Sowatt_TCB_Sprites, SpaceBall, StormLord_Game, StormLord_Intro, SyntaxTerror_Level16, SyntaxTerror_Reset, SyntaxTerror_TLB, Tangram_1, Tangram_2, Thalion, TurricanII_Main, TurricanII_World1, TurricanII_World2, TurricanII_World3, TurricanII_World4, TurricanII_World5, TurricanI_Level1, TurricanI_Level2, TurricanI_Level3, TurricanI_Level4, TurricanI_Loader, Unknown_2, WarpGame, WarpTitle, WingsOfDeath_1, WingsOfDeath_2, WingsOfDeath_3, WingsOfDeath_4, WingsOfDeath_5, WingsOfDeath_6, WingsOfDeath_7. (wow, what a work...) 13/11/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Jochen Hippel (external COSO player) : InsectsInSpace. 14/11/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by ? : StarGoose. 15/11/97 -------- Addition - 5 tunes by Adrian Dalecki (ripped by Jacky / ACF) : ClownOMania, Leonardo_Game, Leonardo_Intro, SoccerManager, TableTennis. - 6 tunes by Jochen Hippel (external COSO/TFMX DIGI player) : NinjaRemix_1, NinjaRemix_2, NinjaRemix_3, NinjaRemix_4, NinjaRemix_5, NinjaRemix_6. - 1 tune by Jochen Hippel (COSO/TFMX DIGI) : 7GatesOfJambala_Intro_Digi. 16/11/97 -------- Addition - 3 tunes by Jochen Hippel (COSO/TFMX DIGI) : ChambersOfShaolin_Game, OhhCrickey_Hidden, OhhCrickey_Menu. - 7 tunes by Jochen Hippel (external COSO/TFMX DIGI (new) player, ripped by Titan) : GhostBattle_End, GhostBattle_Intro, GhostBattle_Level1, GhostBattle_Level23, GhostBattle_Level4, GhostBattle_Level5, GhostBattle_Title. - 17 tunes by Jochen Hippel (external COSO/MMME DIGI player, ripped by Grazey) : AmberStar1, AmberStar2, AmberStar3, AmberStar4, AmberStar5, AmberStar6, AmberStar7, AmberStar8, AmberStar9, AmberStar10, AmberStar11, AmberStar12, AmberStar14, AmberStar15, AmberStar16, AmberStar17. 22/11/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Jochen Hippel (COSO/MMME DIGI, ripped by Chris/Aura) : LethalXcess. - 1 tune by Jochen Hippel (external COSO/TFMX DIGI (old) player) : ZOut_Game. 23/11/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Dave Lowe : NiteShift. - 2 tunes by Jochen Hippel (external MMME/MMME SID/DIGI player, from Jochen Knaus) : Hippel1_Sid, Hippel2_Sid. 24/11/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Matt Furniss : SpaceHarrierII. 25/11/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Barry Leitch : SilkWorm. 13/12/97 -------- Addition - 3 tune by Big Alec and M. Steinwachs : NoSecondPrizeJingles, NoSecondPrizeMenu, NoSecondPrizeTitle. 14/12/97 -------- Addition - 22 tunes by Lotus / SynthDream - Hotline : BigBubble, BionicFields, BlowJam, BrainDrop, EternalIntroTune_Reset, InnaGroovyMood, JoardyGlitter, Microkit, OfAllPlaces, Pace, RunningStatus, SD2_End, SD2_Intro, SD2_Loader, SD2_Part1, SD2_Part2, SD2_Part4, ShuffleExpress, StateOfTheWorld, TidalWaves, WishfulThinking, YouKnowLotus. - 13 tunes by Lotus / SynthDream (external replay) : NoBuddiesLand_End1, NoBuddiesLand_End2, NoBuddiesLand_GameOver, NoBuddiesLand_HiScore, NoBuddiesLand_Intro, NoBuddiesLand_JigSaw, NoBuddiesLand_Level1, NoBuddiesLand_Level2, NoBuddiesLand_Level3, NoBuddiesLand_Level4, NoBuddiesLand_Level5, NoBuddiesLand_Main1, NoBuddiesLand_Main2. 15/12/97 -------- Addition - 4 tunes by ? (TFMX like replay) : UnknownHIP_1, UnknownHIP_2, UnknownHIP_3, UnknownHIP_4. 18/12/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Jochen Hippel : Cybernoid. 28/12/97 -------- Addition - 1 tune by ? (same author as StarGoose and Where Time Stood Still) : Eco. 08/01/98 -------- Addition - 1 tune by Jochen Hippel : WarHawkRemix. -------------------------------- All the above tunes were released in MYST_Data 1 to 5 on 15/01/1998 --------------------------------